SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3523702 - How to Download Data From Datasphere


  • Unable to find an option to download table in Datasphere.
  • Options to download data from HANA table in datasphere.
  • Broadcasting option in an automatic fashion in Datasphere.
  • Sending out data extracts (in CSV / XLS formats) as email attachments to business users in Datasphere.


SAP Datasphere


  1. Example: To export data from a table called TestTable1 in a schema called TestSchema1 in Datasphere:
    1. Logon to Database Explorer using the Database Support User.
    2. Open the SQL console.
    3. Execute the query: SELECT * FROM "TestSchema1"."TestTable1".
    4. From the output screen click on the download button to download Table to CSV File.
  2. Broadcast email option in Datasphere to send Datasphere objects to business users: 
    1. Broadcast email feature is not currently supported in Datasphere. What is currently supported is consuming the data and then forwarding it on in various ways as supported in this documentation - Consuming Data Exposed by SAP Datasphere
  3. If you would like to request that feature you can submit your request following the SAP Note 1515837 - How To: Enhancement Request Process - "Idea Place"

See Also


KBA , DS-MD-VIW , Views , DS-MD-AM , Analytic Model , Problem


SAP Datasphere all versions