You would like to understand how to organize and manage your filter queries in the case work list, so you can perform the following actions:
- Adjust the sequence in which the filters are displayed;
- Select which filters will be shown or will be hidden;
- Edit the label of a custom filter;
SAP Service Cloud Version 2.
SAP Service Cloud Version 2, V2, Version 2, SAP Service Cloud, Cases, Case, Filter, Filters, Queries, Query, How To, Organize, Adjust, Sequence, Show, Hide, Hidden, Shown, Label, Name, Edit, , KBA , CEC-CRM-CAS , Case Management for SAP Sales/Service Cloud , CEC-CRM-CZM-EXT , Extensibility for SAP Sales/Service Cloud , CEC-CRM-CZM , Customization for SAP Sales/Service Cloud , How To
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