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3524099 - "Couldn't create an instance of service "sap integration suite, event mesh" with plan 'message-client'." Error while activating SAP Event Mesh


You attempted to activate the SAP Event Mesh capability in the Integration Suite within the BTP cockpit, but encountered the following error:

"Failed to create an instance of the 'SAP Integration Suite, Event Mesh' service with the 'message-client' plan. Service broker error: The service broker for 'event-mesh-message-client-service-broker-live' encountered an Internal Server Error." .



  • SAP Integration Suite
  • SAP Event Mesh


SAP Event Mesh all versions ; SAP Integration Suite all versions


SAP Integration suite, BTP, SAP Event mesh, Activation, provisioning , Failure, Advanced event mesh , KBA , BC-CP-EM-MES , Event Mesh , Problem

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