SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3524249 - Catalog Description empty in Maintain Business Roles app


  • The "Catalog Description" of all catalogs within app "Maintain Business Roles" app is emply.
  • On the bottom part of the UI, an error is displayed:

                Communication error

                In the context of Data Services an unknown internal server error occurred

  • In the Fiori Launchpad´s user settings, the language is set to "Browser Language"


  • SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2402


Program error


The issue will be fixed in S/4HANA Cloud release 2502. 

As a workaround, select a different language from "Browser Language" in the Fiori Launchpad user settings.


APS_IAM_BROLE2_SRV, aps_iam_vbct_ddl, violates facet information, CatalogRestriction.controller.js, onBRROVTabSelect, F1492 , KBA , BC-SRV-APS-IAM , Identity and Access Management , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud all versions