When deploying an iFlow containing a Mail Sender adapter, pointed to google mail server using OAuth2 authorization code authentication, the deployment fails with one of the following error messages -
GBD1 BAD Invalid SASL argument
A1 BAD Invalid SASL argument
For example -
[CAMEL][IFLOW][POLL_FAILED] : Polling from imaps://*+*+*&scheduler.timeZone=Etc%2FGMT&unseen=true failed.
[CAMEL][IFLOW][EXCEPTION] : javax.mail.MessagingException: GBD1 BAD Invalid SASL argument. h20mb27107218wmq
[CAMEL][IFLOW][CAUSE] : Cause: com.sun.mail.iap.BadCommandException: GBD1 BAD Invalid SASL argument.
- SAP Cloud Integration
- SAP Integration Suite
CPI, HCI, Integration Suite, Cloud Integration, gmail, Google mail server, Unauthorized, GBD1 BAD Invalid SASL argument, A1 BAD Invalid SASL argument, Mail sender adapter, mail adapter, POLL_FAILED, poll, IMAP, OAuth2 Client Authorization Code, Inbox , KBA , LOD-HCI-PI-CON-SOAP , SOAP Adapter , Problem
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