When users initiate a process with an attachment, the form is successfully submitted but does not progress to the next level of the workflow. However, if the form is initiated without an attachment, the process works as expected and triggers to the next level in the workflow.
In the workflow log, the following errors are observed:
- "Object FLOWITEM method EXECUTE cannot be executed".
- "Error when starting a CASE branch".
- Fiori 2.0 applications
workflow, attachment, FLOWITEM, CASE, initiator role, HRASRA, HRASRD, HRASRD, HRASRD, Message No. WL821, Message No. SWP105, iv_initiator_role, CL_HCMFAB_START_PROCES_DPC_EXT, /IWBEP/IF_MGW_APPL_SRV_RUNTIME~CHANGESET_PROCESS , &PROCESSOR_ROLE& , KBA , PA-FIO-PNF , Fiori Apps for Processes and Forms , Problem
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