Poor swap space setup in SAP can lead to several performance and stability issues. Here are some common symptoms to watch out for:
Symptoms of Poor Swap Space Setup
System Slowness:
- Symptom: The system becomes noticeably slow, especially during peak usage times.
High CPU Usage:
- Symptom: CPU usage spikes frequently, even when the workload is not particularly high.
Frequent Freezing or Crashes:
- Symptom: The system or specific applications freeze or crash unexpectedly.
High Disk I/O:
- Symptom: Disk I/O operations are consistently high, leading to slow read/write speeds.
Low Free Swap Space:
- Symptom: Monitoring tools (e.g.,
in SAP) show low or zero free swap space.
- Symptom: Monitoring tools (e.g.,
Memory Allocation Errors:
- Symptom: Errors related to memory allocation appear in system logs or application logs.
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