- In previous versions to CE2308 it is possible to edit and maintain additional fields which are not provided in the successor SSCUI / Configuration Activity.
- In SSCUI 106040 there is limited configuration availability in comparison to SSCUI 100529.
- Define Company codes missing functionality compared to Create Company.
- SAP S/4HANA Cloud
- SAP Central Business Configuration
SAP Central Business Configuration all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud all versions
Authorization, feature, features, V_T880, OX18, T880, SIMG_CFMENUSAPCOX15, V_880_CLD , KBA , FI-GL-GL-N-2CL , Master Data (Public Cloud) , FI-FIO-GL-CA-2CL , Cross Application Configuration in General Ledger (Publ Cld) , SV-CLD-SSC , Self-Service-Configurations-UI , FI-FIO-GL-MD-2CL , Master Data Apps (Public Cloud) , FI-CNT-GL , S4H Best Practices for General Ledger Accounting , X4-CBC-ORG , Organizational Structure Application , How To
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