SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3528049 - Error "Numbering formats must be maintained for warehouse provider" Occurs When Saving Inbound Delivery


When enter External Delivery Item ID in a Third-Party Inbound Delivery Notifications and check consistency of it, following error occurs:

-Numbering formats must be maintained for warehouse provider.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Navigate to “Third-Party Logistics” work center.
  2. Click on “Inbound Delivery Notifications” view.
  3. Set the query on “All Delivery Notification by Selection”.
  4. Search the relevant delivery notification ID.
  5. Click on “New Inbound Delivery” button.
  6. First go to “Line Items” tab and click on “Propose Quantities” button.
  7. Input desired delivery ID on the “External Delivery ID” field .
  8. Click on Check inconsistency button, above error occurs.


The desired Inbound Delivery type is custodian goods return delivery. While check the  “Document Numbering Formats for Inbound Delivery”  activity, there is no line item with document type as Custodian Goods Return. 

There are two business configuration settings related to custodian goods return (from ‘scoping’ section of business configuration) which should be enabled/selected:

  • Sell Consignment Products
  • Spare Parts Handling


First, the two business configuration settings related to custodian goods return should be selected in Business Configuration.

  1. Go to Business Configuration work center and view Implementation Projects.
  2. Select the project and select Edit Project Scope.
  3. Select Next till steps 3, Scoping.
  4. Expand Scoping Element Sales->Product and Service Portfolio for Sales.
  5. Select Sell Consignment Products.
  6. Expand Scoping Element Service->Service and Repair.
  7. Select Spare Parts Handling.

Then, follow the instructions in the below help document to configure the document numbering formats for custodian goods return delivery.

Help document: Configuration: Document Numbering Formats for Inbound Delivery


Numbering formats must be maintained for warehouse provider, Number range, custodian goods return, Inbound Delivery Notifications, New Inbound Delivery, External Delivery ID , KBA , SRD-SCM-WME-INB , Inbound Logistics , How To


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