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3530445 - IQ database fails to start due to an error 'Port number invalid or already in use' - SAP IQ


Starting an IQ server fails due to the below error:

$ start_iq @testdb.cfg testdb.db

Starting server  on testhost at port  (10/01 01:32:51)

Run Directory       : /work/testdb/database
Server Executable   : /work/iq1610/IQ-16_1/bin64/iqsrv16
Server Output Log   : /work/iq1610/IQ-16_1/logfiles/.0001.srvlog
Server Version      :
Open Client Version : N/A
User Parameters     : '@testdb.cfg' 'testdb.db'
Default Parameters  : -c 48m -gc 20 -gd all -gl all -gm 10 -gp 4096 -ti 4400 -gn 25

Invalid database server command line

Server failed to start

Possible cause:
        - Port number invalid or already in use

However the specified port number is not invalid and does not use by other processes.
We can see the message "Invalid database server command line".
But we cannot find any invalid startup options in the configuration file.

$ cat testdb.cfg

-n  testdb
-x  tcpip{port=41753}

-c 128m
-iqmc 200
-iqtc 200
-iqlm 200
-gc 20
-gd all
-gl all
-gm 20
-gn 30
-gp 4096
-s none



SAP IQ 16.1


SAP IQ 16.1


DBSPAWN ERROR:  -81, Invalid database server command line, Port number invalid or already in use, start_iq , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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