When you tried to transport a role collection between subaccounts but facing the error,
In CTS_LOG.log
Error: "CTS+ deployment for "abcd.mtar" failed: "Error building content deployment configuration for module: "efg": Controller operation failed: 422 Unprocessable Entity: CF-UnprocessableEntity(10008): Service instance not found ""#
and further more, in OPERATION.LOG file, you can see error;
[DetermineServiceCreateUpdateServiceActionsStep] Service "xsuaa_service" is in state "create failed" and may not be operational. Actions like update of credentials and binding may fail! Consider recreating it by specifying the --delete-services option.#
SAP Cloud Transport Management
Controller operation failed: 422 Unprocessable Entity: CF-UnprocessableEntity(10008): Service instance not found, Service "xsuaa_service" is in state "create failed" , KBA , BC-CP-CF-DS , Cloud Foundry MTA Deployment Service , BC-CP-LCM-TMS , SAP Cloud Transport Management service , Problem
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