- The issue arises when using transaction SCII to check a specific transport request with Extended Program Checks (SLIN) selected.
- Despite setting a breakpoint in class CL_CI_TEST_EXTENDED_CHECK method run, the debugger does not stop and no "findings" are generated.
- The same transport request in SE01, with Complete Check -> Objects (Syntax Check) selected, produces a result and the debugger stops.
- The issue is specific to objects of type R3TR ENHO (Enhancement Implementation). For other objects, the SLIN Check works properly.
ABAP Code Inspector
ABAP platform all versions ; SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP all versions ; SAP NetWeaver all versions
SCII, Extended Program Checks, SLIN, Debugger, Breakpoint, CL_CI_TEST_EXTENDED_CHECK, R3TR ENHO, Enhancement Implementation, SE01, Syntax Check, Objects, ABAP Code Inspector. , KBA , BC-ABA-LA-CI , ABAP Code Inspector , Problem
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