Following error occurs when running a query:
Error message Object Collapsed Fatal Runtime Exception occured
Error message An exception was raised.
Information Message Object Collapsed Position in code >> Row: 44 Inc: MESSAGE Prog: CL_RS_BASE
Critical message Object Collapsed Time dimension on InfoProvider 'XXX' is inconsistent
When checking the time dimension consistency for the corresponding InfoProvider 'XXX' in transaction code RSRV -> Tests in Transaction RSRV ->All Elementary Tests -> Transaction Data -> Consistency of time dimension for InfoCube -> 'XXX' , following error occurs:
Warning InfoCube XXX was marked as a Cube with an inconsistent time dimension
Error Messages while checking table /BIC/XXXXX:
Error Source value '2030/03/01', Variant XX: Inconsistent derived times: 203003 2030 2030003 003 2030
Also, when checking the InfoProvider in RSOADSOLOC, TIME_IS_CONS is blank.
KBA , BW4-AE-CORE , Core Services , BW4-DM-ADSO , DataStore Object (Advanced) , Problem
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