SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

3535397 - After re-assigning a released activity, the previously assigned technician can still see the activity


After scheduling the activity for technician #1 initially and then rescheduling it for technician #2, we observed the following behavior:

  • Technician #1 can still see the activity on their FSM Mobile interface, but there are no recent updates displayed.
  • Technician #1 can still interact with the activity, even though they are no longer the primary assigned technician after rescheduling.



SAP FSM mobile applications


SAP Field Service Management 1.0 ; SAP Field Service Management mobile app all versions


activity reassignment , KBA , CEC-SRV-FSM , Field Service Management , CEC-SRV-FSM-IOS , FSM Mobile - iOS , CEC-SRV-FSM-ADR , FSM Mobile - Android , CEC-SRV-FSM-WIN , FSM Mobile - Windows , Known Error

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