- During navigation to the 'Document Monitor' section of the Advanced Integration Monitoring application within SAP Focused Run, an error message is displayed:
"HTTP request failed (400 - Bad Request): An exception with the type CX_AMDP_EXECUTION_FAILED was raised, but was not handled locally or declared in a RAISING clause."
SAP Focused Run 4.0
SAP Focused Run 4.0
FRUN, AIM, HTTP request failed, 400 - Bad Request, CX_AMDP_EXECUTION_FAILED, 3481622, Document Monitor, error, An exception with the type CX_AMDP_EXECUTION_FAILED was raised, but was not handled locally or declared in a RAISING clause , KBA , SV-FRN-APP-AIM , FRUN: Advanced Integration Monitoring (AIM) , Known Error
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