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3535946 - Which statuses of the receipt will update the order's received values?


What statuses of the receipt (RC) will update the order's (PO) received values?

What processing statuses of the RCs will update the PO's received values?

What statuses of the RCs will impact the receiving values and allow PO changes?

Why is my PO not showing validation errors when reducing the quantity/amount below the received values on approved RCs?



Ariba Procurement, cloud edition all versions ; SAP Ariba Procurement, cloud edition all versions


KBA , BNS-ARI-PUR-RCV , Receiving , BNS-ARI-PUR-RCV-TOL , Receiving Tolerances (Over/Under Receiving) , BNS-ARI-PUR-RCV-TYP , Receiving Types , How To

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