- Unable to run the CI-DS tasks with ECC system used as source or target.
- ECC datastore configuration is set to ABAP execution mode: ‘Execute Preloaded’ in CI-DS.
- CI-DS task fails with: Error creating RFC function </BODS/ABAP_RUN>: <RFC_ABAP_EXCEPTION-(Exception_Key: FU_NOT_FOUND, SY-MSGTY: E, SY-MSGID: <>: /BODS/ABAP_RUN)>. Notify Customer Support.
Cloud Integration for Data Services
SAP Cloud Integration for data services 1.0
CI-DS, ECC, execute preloaded, generate and execute, ECC, CPIDS, function not found, issue, error, problem , KBA , LOD-HCI-DS , HANA Cloud Integration for Data Services , Problem
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