With the introduction of ARIA support in Tosca 16.0 to the XBrowser engine. Tosca 2023.2 has expanded ARIA support to the additional roles.
Tosca 16.0
- button
- checkbox
- grid
- table
- row
- cell
- gridcell
- columnheader
- rowheader
Tosca 2023.2
- combobox
- link
- listbox
- option
- radio
- tree
- treeitem
This change in the XBrowser engine may cause pre-existing module attributes (scanned into Tosca from a version before 2023.2) to no longer be discoverable during test execution.
SAP Enterprise Continuous Testing by Tricentis 2023.2
TOSCA, IgnoreAriaControls, ignore, select, combobox, link, listbox, option, radio, tree, treeitem, grid , KBA , XX-PART-TRI-ECT , SAP Enterprise Continuous Testing by Tricentis , Problem
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