A memory dump was being generated and failed. In the log:
Initiating shared memory dump for error nnnn.
Dumping shared memory to dump file: /xxxxx/yyyyy/dump_file_nnnn
Writing segment 0:
Thread (0): Writing 5137915136 bytes starting at 0x160000000
unspawn: pthread_create failed with return value 11
Failed to spawn thread.
Error writing memory segment.
Actual bytes written: 0 Requested: 41103321088
Shared memory dump to '/xxxxx/yyyyy/dump_file_nnnn' failed.
Shared memory dump failed and returned status: 2.
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0 SP03 PL04 and higher
memory dump, unspawn: pthread_create failed with return value 11, PTHREAD_THREADS_MAX , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem
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