After renewing the IDP signing certificates directly in the Keystore view of SAML2, SSO stops working.
When analyzing Troubleshooting Wizard (TSHW) traces, the following error messages can be seen:
Keystore view with alias [<alias name>] not found.
Signature of the SAML2 protocol token cannot be validated because neither primary nor secondary certificates are available in the configuration
SAP NetWeaver Application Server for Java
SAML2, authentication, certificate renewal, SSO, Single Sign-On, JAVA SAML 1.1, JAVA SAML 2.0, signature, renew signing certificate , KBA , BC-JAS-SEC-SML , JAVA SAML 1.1 and 2.0 , BC-JAS-SEC-LGN , Logon, SSO , Problem
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