- A script is in place to identify connections that have been opened for a specific period and have a maximum release defined, with the intention to drop those connections.
- However, the connection in question has not been dropped, and a cancellation request has been logged in the IQMSG logs.
- A stack trace is generated for the same connection.
- Error printed in .iqmsg file below:
Exception Thrown from oslib/hos_bio.cxx:2069, Err# 6, tid 1494 origtid 1494
O/S Err#: 116, ErrID: 518 (hos_bioexception); SQLCode: -1006062, SQLState: 'QBA62', Severity: 14
OS error 116 reported on file /eniq/data/etldata_/02/dc_e_bulk_cm_hcrule/raw/DC_E_BULK_CM_HCRULE_17265387941361259727_b164_2024-09-17.txt.
-- (oslib/hos_bio.cxx 2069)
temp Bufman: I/O error while reading; from slib/s_buf.cxx:1610 into buffer 0x539e280
SAP IQ 16.1 But not limited to.
SAP IQ all versions
Active connections, drop connections. , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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