- An issue was encountered with the column positions and filter functionality in the User Catalog view of SAP Commerce Cloud.
- Despite specifying the column positions in the list view configuration, the columns were ordered alphabetically instead of reflecting the defined positions.
- When applying filters, the filter itself appeared as columns showing blank values, instead of not being mentioned in the list view.
- Below was the mentioned configuration by the customer, as component = listView
<context merge-by="type" type="PunchoutUserCatalogView" component="listView" module="hsbackoffice">
<list-view:list-view xmlns:list-view="" xmlns:editorArea="" xmlns:na="" xmlns:wz="" xmlns:y="">
<list-view:column label="" position="1" qualifier="orgName"/>
<list-view:column label="" position="2" qualifier="hsloginid"/>
<list-view:column label="" position="3" qualifier="userName" sortable="true"/>
<list-view:column label="" position="4" qualifier="baseCatalogName"/>
<list-view:column label="" position="5" qualifier="catalogId"/>
SAP Commerce Cloud
SAP Commerce Cloud 2211
SAP Commerce Cloud, Backoffice, Punchout User Catalog, column positions, filter functionality, listview, listView, coding error. , KBA , CEC-SCC-CDM-BO-FRW , Framework , Problem
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