The replication process may experience issues while transferring data from SuccessFactors to ERP. These complications could occur, not at the level of application logic, but rather from an orchestration standpoint. Potential symptoms of these problems may include:
- When executing the replication process, there are no logs available in SLG1 transaction.
- Not all the employees are getting replicated.
- The status under data replication monitor for a set of employees is pending.
- The replication process fails when massive changes are made in EC.
- The employees are getting replicated, but the result of the replication process is not updating the data replication monitor.
- Errors are displayed in SLG1 with Object: ECPAO_IN, Subobject: GEN.
- The status of the query under ECPAO_QRY_ADM table is "Sent", "In Process" or "Failed"
This KBA provides guidance on the locations to examine when the replication process is malfunctioning. If you have already identified an error, consult the referenced KBA below to implement appropriate solutions: 3550043 - Catalog of Common Errors: Addressing Communication and Orchestration Issues in SuccessFactors Integration with SAP ERP HCM
While the focus of this guide is on the Employee Master Data replication process, some explanations provided can also apply to the Organizational Object Replication process.
- SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central integration to SAP Business Suite
- Employee Master Data Replication
- Organizational Object Replication
- Time Data Replication
- Business Integration Builder (BIB) - PA_SE_IN
PA_SE_IN, Orchestration, BIB, CPI, Timeout, CPI Timeout, SCC, 401, 403, ECPAO_EE_ORG_REPL_QUERY , KBA , LOD-EC-INT-EE , Employee Integration EC to ERP On Premise , LOD-EC-INT-ORG , Org Integration EC to ERP On Premise , How To
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