- The transaction FPB7 is transferring items that have already been posted in FI.
- This results in wrong/ duplicate entries in payment lot in FICA.
- The entries are not being excluded during the electronic bank account statement (EBS) transfer, leading to duplication.
- As per the requirement, special entries should only consider for FI. The FICA level posting should not happen.
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Import bank statement using Fiori App F1680, FPB7, Payment Lot transaction fp05, TFK028G, GVC, FEBEP-VORGC Business transaction code, FEBEP-VGEXT External business transaction, Message >U383 Missing Customizing in table TFK028G (&1 &2 &3), Event 955 'Account Statement Transfer: Define Type of Lot' , KBA , FI-CA , Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable , IS-PS-CA , Public Sector Contract Accounting , IS-U-CA , Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable , IS-T-CA , Contract Accounting , FS-CD , Collections and Disbursements , FI-CAX , Non-industry specific contract accounts receivable, payable , How To
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