Inconsistent behaviour is observed across different browsers when performing operations in the application, such as login and session checks. Specifically:
- In Safari: When a request (e.g., accounts.verifyLogin) is interrupted due to a page reload, the WebSDK returns an undefined error response. The console logs display "Request for accounts.verifyLogin failed" with the errorCode set to undefined.
- In Chrome: An interrupted request during a page reload completes before the transition, and the WebSDK logs an error response with the errorCode set to 0.
- SAP Customer Data Cloud
- Browser-Specific XHR Behaviour
SAP Customer Data Cloud all versions
Inconsistent browser behaviour, cross-browser issues, login discrepancies, session check issues, Safari vs Chrome, XMLHttpRequest interruption, XHR request cancellation, page reload effects, accounts.verifyLogin failed , KBA , CEC-PRO-API , Core REST API & Server SDKs (JWT / PHP / Java) , Known Error
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