Release fields (/SAPAPO/SYSDIR-RELEASE) are tried to be maintained in /SAPAPO/C2 or under the corresponding IMG activity:
- SCM Basis
- Integration
- Basic Settings for Creating the System Landscape
- Assign Logical System and Queue Type
- Basic Settings for Creating the System Landscape
- Integration
The IMG documentation does not say what to be maintained in the Release field in the EWM and the TM systems.
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management
- SAP Transportation Management
- SAP Supply Chain Management
SAP Extended Warehouse Management all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions ; SAP Supply Chain Management all versions ; SAP Transportation Management all versions
Assignment of Logical System to Business System Group, BSG, logsys, sysdir, release , KBA , SCM-EWM-IF , Interfaces , TM-INT-EWM , TU-Based Integration with Extended Warehouse Management , SCM-APO-INT , Interfaces , SCM-EWM-IF-TM , Interface TM , SCM-BAS-INT , Interfaces , How To
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