- BI Launchpad: Clicking Lumira application fails with 404 Missing page
- CMC: Right-clicking SAP Lumira application under Central Management Console(CMC) >> Applications shows the ?? Dummy.Action...???
- Instead of application's properties and several
- Issue started with crowdstrike causing some issues - but repairs fixed the issues in most of their servers except this environment.
- SAP BusinessObjects BI platform 4.3 SP3 Patch 2 ( - en
- SAP Lumira Server 2.4 Patch6 (2.4.0006.27) - en
- Windows platform [4 servers with dedicated lumira and web servers]
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.3
Lumira BI Platform 404 Error , KBA , BI-BIP-INS , Installation, Updates, Upgrade, Patching , Problem
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