We have provided the following Value Mapping definition for equipment replication in order to map S/4Hana parties to corresponding ones in CNS.
- Registered Product Custom Party Type
- Functional Location Custom Party Type
These values mapping above have to be maintained for Functional Location & Registered Product to support all party roles during replication.
Issue Symptom:
You might observe a symptom with the associated Employee Responsible role replicated. You have already mapped Employee Responsible Party code in the new value mapping for Registered Product Custom Party type, however the same is not getting saved in the system. The inbound message ID contains the party code for employee responsible, the employee is also available in the system but the same is not populated in the respective Employee Responsible field in Registered Product UI (the same might happens for Functional Location).
Sales Cloud Version 2
S/4 Hana
Reproducing the Issue
After replicate Functional Location or Registered Product along with Employee Responsible role to Sales Cloud Version 2, you might miss the assignment of Employee Responsible:
- Go to Functional Location screen
- Search by the respective Functional Location ID replicated
- At header level, Employee Responsible field is empty.
Along with Registered Product custom party type, the value mapping for Partner Number Type needs to be maintained. Partner number type is needed to correctly find the internal ID of the employee in the system.
- Go to Settings
- Search for Value Mapping
- Ensure you have already maintained the respective Registered Product Custom Party Type codes and/or Functional Location Custom Party Type codes;
- Create a new Value Mapping for Partner Number Type
- Map the corresponding external value for Employee Number type used in S4 (e.g. VW )
- Save and resend the equipment.
This is applicable for both Equipment and Functional Location replication.
Once the employee responsible is correctly populated in integration message, the employee responsible should be a part of involved party of registered product.