For this article, we will consider PicklistLabel/locale as an example.
Querying in ODATA API, and filtering the values by locale. The response payload is bring all the values, not respecting the filter.
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management
This is a ODATA API limitation, when there is a One-to-Many relation between the entities.
As example we ran the following query:
<<YourInstanceData>>/odata/v2/JobApplication?$select=applicationId,candidateId,firstName,jobOffer/offerApprovalId,jobOffer/relocationPack/picklistLabels/label&$expand=jobOffer/relocationPack/picklistLabels&$filter=(jobOffer/offerApprovalId ne null and jobOffer/relocationPack/picklistLabels/locale eq 'en_GB')
This is the response received:
We can confirm that all the locales are being returned, due to the ODATA limitation.
As a suggestion you can review the section "How to handle one-to-many behavior" from the KBA 3087941 - One-to-many behavior in Integration Center
See Also
- 3087941 - One-to-many behavior in Integration Center
- SAP SuccessFactors API Reference Guide (OData V2) $filter
RCM, recruiting, ODATA, API, Application, Picklist, PicklistLabel, values, Payload, requisition, offer, entities, entity, filter, returning, random, language , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-API , Webservices & APIs , Problem