- This article provides a possible solution for a System.AccessViolationException that might occur with Tricentis Services
- You are using the Tricentis Cloud Licensing and running one of your Tricentis Services with a different user than the default SYSTEM user.
Looking into your services logs or the HTTP responses received, you can see the following exception:
"Unhandled Exception:
System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory.
This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
at TOSCAManagedSettings.Core.UnmanagedSettingsMethods64.InitializeW(String metaSettingsFile, String metaSettingsXslFile)
at TOSCAManagedSettings.Core.UnmanagedSettingsMethods.TOSCAManagedSettings.Core.IUnmanagedSettingsMethods.InitSettingsObject(Stri
ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, TCAPILicenseMode mode)
at Tricentis.TCAPI.TCAPI.CreateUnmanagedInstance(TCAPIConnectionInfo connectionInfo, TCAPILicenseMode mode)
at Tricentis.TCAPI.TCAPI.CreateInstance(TCAPIConnectionInfo connectionInfo, TCAPILicenseMode mode)"
SAP Enterprise Continuous Testing by Tricentis
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TOSCA. migration, restAPI , KBA , XX-PART-TRI-ECT , SAP Enterprise Continuous Testing by Tricentis , Problem
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