When execute the change process for a EQUI subscription contract which will be activated in the future, the ODI step PCER "Call Message for Early Distribution" will be failed due to error message below in the Fulfillment Status:
"There are already billable items for contract &"
However, if the user doesn't set up the activation date in the future, there will be no issue and the PC can be distributed correctly.
For example:
Today is 20.02.2024. A recurring subscription contract starting on 01.01.2024 for which there are BITs created for the month of January as well as February. Hence, BITs are billed and invoiced until 31.02.2024.
Now, there is a need to change price on 21.02.2024.The user set up the activation date as 21.01.2024 00:00:00. After the change order gets submitted, the newly created PC is failed for distribution due to the already existing BITs.
- SAP enhancement package for SAP CRM, version for SAP HANA
CHANGE_PRICE; PCER; Call Message for Early Distribution; BITs , KBA , CRM-S4-SOM , S4CRM: Subscription Order Management , Problem
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