After installing SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on (B2B Add-on) 2.0 SP02, go to B2B Integration Cockpit (http://<host>:<port>/b2bic), try to import B2B content but fail with error due to Violation:
For example:
import failed: set failed: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__B2B_X12___4EA95A28ED66EF4A'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'SAPD76DB.B2B_X12_CTRL_DESCR'. The duplicate key value is (1, SAP). OpenSQLExceptionCategories: [NON_TRANSIENT, INTEGRITY_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION]
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
- Process Integration
- Process Orchestration
- business-to-business add-on (B2B Add-on)
PI, PO, PO 7.5, B2B Add-on, B2B Integration Cockpit, EDI Content Manager, B2B content, import, B2B_X12_TABLES, B2B_PLA_TABLES, B2B_TRA_TABLES, Edifact, b2bic , KBA , BC-XI-CON-B2B , B2B add-on (business-to-business) , Problem
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