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3545086 - When setting filter and sort properties in the column, the associated controls are automatically added to the column menu


Due to the deprecation of the menu aggregation in sap.ui.table.Column, we are transitioning to using the headerMenu association. In the previous menu aggregation, we could easily define the sort and filter properties in the column and add custom controls like MenuItem or MenuTextFieldItem to execute our own sorting and filtering logic. However, with the introduction of headerMenu, this flexibility is limited. When setting the sort and filter properties in the column, the associated controls are automatically added to the column menu, making it challenging to capture the sort and filter events for implementing our custom logic.



  • SAPUI5 version


ShowFilterMenuEntry, ShowSortMenuEntry, Quick sort, Quck filter, Column, Table, Properties, False, Aggregation, HeaderMenu, Association , KBA , CA-UI5-TBL , SAP UI5 table, smart table, list and tree controls , Problem

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