The migration key for system copy is not correct after it was input into SWPM, there are the following errors in the log test_MIGKEY.log:
A1 EGEN 010 PROCENV: working directory "/tmp/sapinst_instdir/<product>/<DB>/COPY/SYSTEM/STD/AS-ABAP", process id xxxxx
A1 EGEN 011 CMDLINE: "/tmp/sapinst_instdir/<product>/<DB>/COPY/SYSTEM/STD/AS-ABAP/R3load -dbcodepage 4103 -i test_MIGKEY.cmd -l test_MIGKEY.log -K <migration key>"
A1EEGEN 000 (MIG) Installation number 'A' from export data does not match 'B' from migration key
A1EEGEN 027 Exit code: "9"
SAP ABAP systems
Migkey, license, hardware, migration key, java, abap, installation, export , KBA , BC-INS-MIG , OS/DB Migrations with SWPM and DB refresh , Problem
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