The following error happens when activating one InfoCube:
- EC:2048"column store error: fail to create scenario: [34011] Inconsistent calculation model;calculationNode (<Name_of_InfoCube>$N): Colum
- BWZ::SAPBWP:0BW:BIA:<Name_of_InfoCube>$N (t -1) not found (cannot get catalog object),Details (Errors): - calculationNode (<Name_of_InfoCube>$N):
- BWZ::SAPBWP:0BW:BIA:<Name_of_InfoCube>$N (t -1) not found (cannot get catalog object). Details (Warnings): - scenario -> cubeSchema ->
- calculationScenario (0BW:BIA:<Name_of_InfoCube>$N$U) -> scenarioHints -> parameter: The doRegisterDependencies parameter has been removed and will be ignored. "
- column store error: fail to create scenario: [3401 2048
- column store error: fail to create scenario: [34011] Inconsistent calculation model;calculationNode (<Name_of_InfoCube>$N): ColumnView ..
- Error 2,048 has occurred in the BWA/SAP HANA server
- Unable to create CalculationScenario
- Error in BW
- Could not instantiate BW object for external SAP HANA view
- Error when activating InfoCube <Name_of_InfoCube>
The "External HANA View" flag has been activated in the InfoCube.
A DAP has been created for the InfoCube.
SAP NetWeaver all versions
SAP BW, Activation, Inconsistent Calculation Model, Column Store Error, RSDDB_LOGINDEX_CREATE, SE38, RSDG_CUBE_ACTIVATE. , KBA , BW-BEX-OT-DBIF , Interface to Database , Problem
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