- During an S/4HANA Conversion, the server's data and log volumes on the HANA instance both reach full consumption.
- The target HDB log mode has been configured to "overwrite", meaning no log backups get written.
- Indexserver trace reports a full log volume or threshold limitation :
[147114]{-1}[-1/-1] 2024-11-12 04:42:42.839759 i Logger LogSegment.cpp(03175) : log partition disk usage 95% >= log_disk_usage_limit 95%, do not create new log segment
[147114]{-1}[-1/-1] 2024-11-12 04:42:42.839772 w Logger LogSegment.cpp(03250) : Log full - log_disk_usage_limit 95% reached in log partition /hana/log/SID/mnt00001/hdb00002.00003/, current disk usage is 95%, awaiting free segment or additional free disk space - Inconsistent and long gaps between savepoints are observed :
[147141]{-1}[-1/-1] 2024-11-12 04:03:07.637671 i Savepoint SavepointImpl.cpp(03275) : Savepoint current savepoint version: 1885, restart redo log position: 0x734f14cff, next savepoint version: 1886, last snapshot SP version: 0
[147141]{-1}[-1/-1] 2024-11-12 04:44:34.176039 i Savepoint SavepointImpl.cpp(03275) : Savepoint current savepoint version: 1886, restart redo log position: 0x9b106dae2, next savepoint version: 1887, last snapshot SP version: 0
[147141]{-1}[-1/-1] 2024-11-12 08:02:17.261469 i Savepoint SavepointImpl.cpp(03275) : Savepoint current savepoint version: 1887, restart redo log position: 0xc85f6f109, next savepoint version: 1888, last snapshot SP version: 0
[147141]{-1}[-1/-1] 2024-11-12 08:06:41.038379 i Savepoint SavepointImpl.cpp(03275) : Savepoint current savepoint version: 1888, restart redo log position: 0xc868d27fc, next savepoint version: 1889, last snapshot SP version: 0
[147141]{-1}[-1/-1] 2024-11-12 08:36:40.098832 i Savepoint SavepointImpl.cpp(03275) : Savepoint current savepoint version: 1889, restart redo log position: 0xd883b310f, next savepoint version: 1890, last snapshot SP version: 0
- According to the results of 'HANA_Disks_Overview.txt' , the data volume and used size began to double. The total disk space available is almost consumed, where the used size reduces greatly
In the example, the Data volume fragmentation began to rapidly increase around 08:00 am and reduce later after further disk space was added:
SNAPSHOT_TIME HOST PORT FILE_NAME FILE_TYPE E TOTAL_GB USED_GB UNUSED_GB FRAG_PCT 12/11/2024 23:00 Host port /hana/data/SID/mnt00001/hdb00002.00003/datavolume_0000.dat DATA X 2407.93 1986.03 421.9 17.52 12/11/2024 22:00 Host port /hana/data/SID/mnt00001/hdb00002.00003/datavolume_0000.dat DATA X 2497.12 2007.31 489.8 19.61 12/11/2024 21:00 Host port /hana/data/SID/mnt00001/hdb00002.00003/datavolume_0000.dat DATA X 2567.12 2006.78 560.34 21.82 12/11/2024 20:00 Host port /hana/data/SID/mnt00001/hdb00002.00003/datavolume_0000.dat DATA X 2717.12 2007.28 709.84 26.12 12/11/2024 19:00 Host port /hana/data/SID/mnt00001/hdb00002.00003/datavolume_0000.dat DATA X 2817.12 2007.52 809.6 28.73 12/11/2024 18:00 Host port /hana/data/SID/mnt00001/hdb00002.00003/datavolume_0000.dat DATA X 2992.12 2007.34 984.77 32.91 12/11/2024 17:00 Host port /hana/data/SID/mnt00001/hdb00002.00003/datavolume_0000.dat DATA X 3097.12 2007.32 1089.79 35.18 12/11/2024 16:00 Host port /hana/data/SID/mnt00001/hdb00002.00003/datavolume_0000.dat DATA X 3140.75 2007.35 1133.39 36.08 12/11/2024 15:00 Host port /hana/data/SID/mnt00001/hdb00002.00003/datavolume_0000.dat DATA X 3117.49 3032.45 85.03 2.72 12/11/2024 14:00 Host port /hana/data/SID/mnt00001/hdb00002.00003/datavolume_0000.dat DATA X 3068.49 3032.42 36.07 1.17 12/11/2024 13:00 Host port /hana/data/SID/mnt00001/hdb00002.00003/datavolume_0000.dat DATA X 3068.49 2915.44 153.05 4.98 12/11/2024 12:48 Host port /hana/data/SID/mnt00001/hdb00002.00003/datavolume_0000.dat DATA X 3011.45 2980.78 30.66 1.01 12/11/2024 09:12 Host port /hana/data/SID/mnt00001/hdb00002.00003/datavolume_0000.dat DATA X 1116.77 1150.1 -33.33 -2.98 12/11/2024 08:00 Host port /hana/data/SID/mnt00001/hdb00002.00003/datavolume_0000.dat DATA X 1051.68 672.91 378.77 36.01 12/11/2024 04:30 Host port /hana/data/SID/mnt00001/hdb00002.00003/datavolume_0000.dat DATA X 685.43 639.46 45.97 6.7 12/11/2024 03:06 Host port /hana/data/SID/mnt00001/hdb00002.00003/datavolume_0000.dat DATA X 335.59 323.57 12.02 3.58
- 'HANA_Tables_TopGrowingTables_Size_History.txt' reports that the Columnstore tables increase from 0 to Terabytes of new tablespace consumption under 'SIZE_END_MB' and 'SIZE_CHG_MB' columns during this timeframe :
BEGIN_TIME END_TIME SPACE_LAYER ST HOST PORT TABLE_NAME SIZE_BEGIN_MB SIZE_END_MB SIZE_CHG_MB CHG_PCT 12/11/2024 02:10 13/11/2024 08:10 DISK -1 Host port FAGLFLEXA 0 156892.62 156892.6 9999 12/11/2024 02:10 13/11/2024 08:10 DISK -1 Host port BSEG 0 147826.58 147826.6 9999 12/11/2024 02:10 13/11/2024 08:10 DISK -1 Host port CDPOS 0 145276.12 145276.1 9999 12/11/2024 02:10 13/11/2024 08:10 DISK -1 Host port KONV 0 135118.56 135118.6 9999 12/11/2024 02:10 13/11/2024 08:10 DISK -1 Host port SWWCNTP0 0 133519.1 133519.1 9999 12/11/2024 02:10 13/11/2024 08:10 DISK -1 Host port VBFS 0 74691.16 74691.16 9999 12/11/2024 02:10 13/11/2024 08:10 DISK -1 Host port COEP 0 55026.91 55026.91 9999
SAP HANA, Platform Edition 2.0
SAP HANA, platform edition all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions
KBA , HAN-DB-PER , SAP HANA Database Persistence , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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