When you try to create an email within any entity in your SAP Sales & Service Cloud Version 2 system, for example Appointments, you notice that the drop-down of the From field is empty and it is not possible to choose a sender.
SAP Sales and Service Cloud Version 2.
Email, From, From Field, FROM, from, Field, Email Channel, Channel, Object, Entity, Active, Deactivated, Activated, Empty, Blank, Email From, SAP Service Cloud Version 2, Version 2, V2, SAP Sales Cloud Version 2, Case, Sales Quote, Survey, Sales Order, Call List, Campaign, Appointment, Lead, Task, Opportunity, Feedback, , KBA , CEC-CRM-EML , Emails for SAP Sales/Service Cloud , CEC-CRM-APT , Appointment for SAP Sales/Service Cloud , CEC-CRM-CHN , Channels for SAP Sales/Service Cloud , How To
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