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3546842 - Why PrePersistHook and PostPersistHook not being triggered together while both sent via request header


The pre-persist-hook and post-persist-hook have been configured in the message mapping for "batchparts" and are sent from CPI iflow to SAP Commerce Cloud during material replication. But the post-persist hook is not being called at the commerce end and no exceptions/errors are found in Kibana logs.

If either of the hooks is configured, they are executed correctly. But both pre-persist and post-persist hooks are required to be executed.



  • SAP Commerce Cloud, integration extension pack
  • SAP Commerce Cloud


SAP Commerce Cloud all versions ; SAP Commerce Cloud, integration extension pack all versions


Web hook, Inbound, replication, material data, CPI iflows, pre-persist-hook, post-persist-hook, message mapping, sapCpiProductFeaturePersistenceHook, hooks. , KBA , CEC-SCC-INT-S4I-MOD , SAP Model , Problem

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