You are using the license usage report in your Process Integration (PI) or Process Orchestration (PO) system and experience the below issues:
When trying to run the license usage report the list of products displays "no data available".
The Adapter Engines Data Volume: Overview shows a failed status.
The System data volume details display "Table is empty".
The License service for the PI Adapter Engine is enabled by setting the `AF Core Service` property `license.switchedOn` to True `, as it is turned off by default.
SAP NetWeaver 7.5
Advanced Adapter Engine Volume Based Licensing, License Audit Service, Adapter Engines Data Volume Monitor, report ?list of products, license report, measure and report,System Measurement, AF Core Service, license.switchedOn, PI, PO, Information, informatin, , KBA , BC-XI-CON-AFW-AAE , Advanced Adapter Engine , Problem
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