SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3547839 - Filter by Multiple Values in Data Import & Export Tool Does Not Work


Filter by multiple values in data import & export tool does not work.


  • SAP Service Cloud v2
  • SAP Sales Cloud v2

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Data Import & Export view.
  2. Click on export.
  3. Select an Entity.
  4. Select file type.
  5. Click on Filter button.
  6. Click on Define conditions.
  7. Set Condition type and select the field name.
  8. Set condition to 'Is any of'.
  9. Paste the multiple values. Make sure to set the values are between commas, without space. Example: 12345,54321,12121
  10. Click on Done.
  11. Click on Apply filter. 
  12. Notice it shows the total number of records and filter was not applied.


In Network trace (developer tools) it will show HTTP Status 400. Browsers have a maximum URL length they can handle.


 If the URL exceeds the browser limit, the browser will fail to process it correctly. Please adjust the number of values to be filtered accordingly.


Filter, Data Import, Export, Multiple, Inline, Comma , KBA , CEC-CRM-IMX , Data Import/Export for SAP Sales/Service Cloud , How To


SAP Sales Cloud and SAP Service Cloud Version 2 1.0