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3548910 - Importance of implementing MRP related correction notes


You're experiencing one or more of the inconsistencies while planning with MRP:

  • Unexpected results or performance problems with sourcing
  • Unexpected inconsistencies or performance problems regarding planning file entries
  • Unexpected inconsistencies or performance with planned orders
  • Performance problems with MRP Classic or Live
  • Problems with order proposals during MRP runs, such as excess order proposals, shortages, incorrect values, quantities, dates or period grouping
  • Dumps occurring when planning with MRP Classic or Live
  • Unexpected inconsistencies or performance with MRP Apps
  • Unexpected inconsistencies or performance within transaction MD04



  • SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition
  • SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA


SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions


app, lotsizing, sourcing, planning file entry, dump, MRP Sourcing, cl_pps4_mrp_purchasing, cl_pps4_mrp_sourcing, cl_pph_mrp_sourcing, LM61YF3H, LM61YF2M, MRP, MRP Live, MRP classic, Production Order, CO_VB_ORDER_POST, APO, CIF, Posting Illegal Statement, POSTING_ILLEGAL_STATEMENT, DBSQL_SQL_DEADLOCK_DETECTED, Change Number, Where used check, phantom, header propagation, d_used_check, MD01, MD01N, CS02, BOM change, MD21, component, components, bill of material, BOM, component list, where-used list, phantom assembly, MD_MDVM_TABLE, CL_PPH_MRPRECORD, PPH_HEADER_PROPAGATION, NETCH, NETCH indicator, gsaen, pph_dbvm-gsaen, purchase requisition, subcontracting, subcontracting purchase requisition, scheduling agreement schedule line, subcontracting scheduling agreement schedule line, assembly, DISPSATZ_ERSTELLEN, DISPSATZ_BESTANDFUEHRUNG, GI, PIR, VL02N, delivery, goods issue, EWM, PPH_DBVM, lock wait, DISPSATZ_ERSTELLEN_MEHRFACH, runtime, long, excess, /SAPAPO/CDPSB0, CDPSB0, planning board, performance, MARC, buffering, Material master, planned order, BOM explosion, long runtimes, MD11, MD12, MD02, MD03, MD15, MDVP BOM, re-explode, ppds, eppds ibp, API_PLANNED_ORDERS, A_PlannedOrderComponent, CIF_ORDER_INBOUND_30A, MD_NEW_COMP_CHECK_BAPI, MATERIAL_LESEN, MARA, MAKT, MARC_ARRAY_READ, MATL_DETS_MASS_READ_INTO_BUF TABLES, LM61OF1D, PROCESS_COMPONENTS_BAPI, LM61OFB7, Planning File entries, dispsatz_erstellen_multi, mass processing, BAPI_PLANNEDORDER_CHANGE, BAPI_PLANNEDORDER_CREATE, plaf, pldord, Long Runtime, T399D, MDCV_E_T399D, PPH_COLLECTIVE_UPDATE, MDPSX, MD_READ_PLANT, BOM component, MARA_SINGLE_READ, MARA_ARRAY_READ, CONVERT_R3_TO_APO_COMP, APO_COLLECT_PLANNED_ORDER, HINZUFUEGEN_NEW_DISPOSITION, CL_NSDM_SELECT_MARC=>IF_NSDM_SELECT_MARC~SINGLE_READ_TRANSACTIONAL_DATA, VERAENDERN_PLANAUFTRAG, CIF Queue, MARC_SINGLE_READ, longer time MRP execution, CO_SD_INTERNAL_ORDER_SCHEDULE, planning scenario, long-term planning, CIF, Locks, Deadlocks, MULTI_PLANT_PLANNING_REQUEST, MD_POP_PLANNING_REQUEST, LO_SGT_SFWS_02_LM61ZF28_01, LM61ZF28, LM61ZF01, segmentation, Out of Memory, CL_PPH_PLANT_BUFFER, Quota, Max release quantity, abrmg, equk, equp, false vendor, false source of supply, MEQ1, quotation, planning calendar, MD25, MD26, MD27, MD40, MD41, MD42, MD43, MD50, MD51 Loop, STO, Stock Transfer Order, Plant, recursion, reslo, MULTI_PLANT_PLANNING_REQUEST, MD_POP_PLANNING_REQUEST, stock transfer order, stock transfer, release order, Purchase requisitions, Currency, Unit Price, waers, peinh,  CL_PPS4_MRP_LOTSIZING , LOT_SIZE_PERIODS_CREATE_LLANG, lot_size_calc, project, Make-to-order, project planning, requirement grouping, planning without final assembly, Strategy 52, Planning w/o Assembly, PLAAB, split quota, lot size, rounding value, rounding profile, Netting, Net calculation, rescheduling, cl_pps4_mrp_netting, false rescheduling, time dependent safety stock, false order proposals, surplus situation, planned orders, production orders, process order, purchase order, shipment notification, QM-Lot, wrong rescheduling, MD07, MDBT, Dumps, AMDP_EXEUCTION_FAILED, SQL, MRP, SAPUI5, Fiori, Backend, Material Coverage, Internal Requirements, External Requirements, Create Optimal Orders for Shipment, Monitor Production Order, Schedule MRP Run, Display MRP Issue, Maintain PIRs, Handover Purchase Requisition, MRP Change Request, AOR, Area of Responsibility F2101, F0251, F1700, F0246, F0247, F250, F0263, F0266, F0670, F0844, F3445, F1339, F1425, F4795, F4796, MRP, Stock requirement List, AUFBAUEN_MDPSX_ANZEIGEN, cl_pph_mdpsx_selection,  BAPI_MATERIAL_STOCK_REQ_LIST, HANA optimized Read, GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED, PPH_STOCK_REQ_LISTS_PREREAD, MD_MDPSX_READ_API, LIFNR, MDLA, LIFNR, Vendor, Shipment Notification, pph_e_Mdla, Stock transfer planned order, stock transfer requisition, Account assignment, CL_PPH_READ_FIN_APPLY, individual requirement, collective requirement, individual/collective indicator, individual customer segment, individual project segment, SOBKZ = 7, STO, supplying plant, WBS, exception message, MRP list, rescheduling, PP/DS, sales order, customer order, customer stock, project order, Additional data for MRP element, Storage location MRP, special procurement, requirement grouping, network, network activity, MD04, TPS_MRP_AREA_PSP, MRP_AREA_PSP, Project System, WEBAZ, GR Processing Time, date interpretation, Additional Data screen, Refresh data, PPH_SUPPLY_DEMAND_LIST, BADI_QPLEXT_PROCESS_EXT, MD_PEGGING, QM-Lot, QALS, Origin 17, selection rule, safety stock,  APO supersession chain, ASSERTION_FAILED, MM61RF40_AUFBAUEN_MDPSX_MULTI, MD_SFWS_AUFBAUEN_MDPSX_MULTI==E, MEINH_BEARBEITEN, MCBZ, pegging, MD4C, Order report, PLAAB, gross requirements planning, gross, DELKZ U4, CO02, CO03, COR2, COR3, process order, MD 317, exception 62, 62 Scheduling,  exception message '30, material grouping, cross-plant view, MD_CREATE_GROUPING, security, authority check, factory calendar, FABKL, message 61061, MD_ADD_COL_EZPS, Userexit, MDSUX-USEX1, MDSUX-USEX2, MDSUX-USEX3, COLUMTC_PS_SIZE,  Demand Driven Replenishment, PPH_DD_STK, EISBE, PROCESS_ORDER_DISTRIBUTION, FLP01, MNG01, Fixed point Arithmetic, CL_PPH_MDPSX_POSTPROCESSING, excess stock in individual segment, consumption, planned independent requirement, PIR reduction, selection rule , KBA , PP-MRP , Material Requirements Planning , PP-FIO-MRP , Fiori UI for Material Requirements Planning , How To

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