If internal service users pose any security risks, the following internal service users or any application-specific service users are identified:
RUNAS_*, Scheduler_DefaultUser, Secure_Store, action_inbox_service, anonymous, archiving_service, bw_service, caf_gp_svcuser, cmadmin_service, collaboration_service, config_fwk_service, ctc_service, cup_app, deploy_service, ice_service, index_service, jms_service, notificator_service, pcd_service, rtmf_service, subscription_service, timebasedpublish_service, transport_service, ume_service, uwl_service.
Additionally, it may be necessary to determine whether these internal service users can be locked or not.
SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java
Enterprise portal
SAP NetWeaver
Internal service user , locked , hacking , NetWeaver , portal , RUNAS_*, Scheduler_DefaultUser, Secure_Store, action_inbox_service, anonymous, archiving_service, bw_service, caf_gp_svcuser, cmadmin_service, collaboration_service, config_fwk_service, ctc_service, cup_app, deploy_service, ice_service, index_service, jms_service, notificator_service, pcd_service, rtmf_service, subscription_service, timebasedpublish_service, transport_service, ume_service, uwl_service , KBA , BC-JAS-SEC , Security, User Management , Problem
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