SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3549836 - A Dump Error is Displayed When Creating a Custom Surcharge or Price List in the system


When creating a Custom Surcharge in the Surcharges View, a dump error is displayed in the UI.

Note: The same dump error can also occurs when creating Price List via the Price List View. 


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Product and Service Portfolio Work Center.
  2. Go to the Surcharges View.
  3. Filter for the Custom Surcharge List ABC (where ABC represents the Custom Surcharge List).
  4. Click on New button.
  5. In the dropdown, select the Custom Surcharge List ABC.

The dump error is displayed in the UI.

  1. Go to the Product and Service Portfolio Work Center.
  2. Go to the Price Lists View.
  3. Filter for the Custom Price Lists EDF (where EDF represents the Custom Surcharge List).
  4. Click on New button.
  5. In the dropdown, select the Custom Price Lists EDF.

The dump error is displayed in the UI.


The set up of the Custom Surcharge or Price List in the Configure Price Strategy activity was performed using a PDI field in which the content of the field comes from a Custom Business Configuration activity.

Currently, the Price Engine does not support extension fields for which the content comes from a Custom Business Configuration Object. Therefore, in case the content for the Extension fields is being determined through a Custom Business Configuration activity, it will not be possible to maintain these fields for the Pricing Tables and further configurations in the Pricing with Extension fields scenario.


It is not be possible to use Extension fields in which the content is determined via a Custom Business Configuration Object (BCO) for the Pricing with Extension fields scenario. This occurs because the content of the PDI field comes from a Custom Business Configuration activity which in this case is consider as dynamic content being possible for any user to alter at any point in time. 

The Price engine was design to support only Extension fields of code types where the content is static, for example KUT or .codelist data types. In this case, we recommend to always use KUT or .codelist datatypes for the set up of the Pricing with Extension fields scenarios in the system.

This is currently limitation in the Pricing scenario.

See Also

KBA 2353501 - How to Create Surcharge Based on Extension Field

KBA 3099502 - How To Create a Custom Price List With Extension Fields 


Surcharge, Surcharge List, Price List, Custom, PDI, field, SDK, Business, Configuration, Object, CL_PRC_ESF_CND_PV_IL, Could not create data object; type  does not exist , KBA , AP-PRC-PC , Calculation , How To


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