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3549911 - Layout management functionality (save and load layouts) in Transaction FRE_UI


You are using SAP Forecasting and Replenishment (F&R) with SAP merchandise software. You are sending master data system from your ERP or S4 master data leading system via interface. For tracking purposes you have set in the Forecasting and Replenishment customzing that interface files will be saved. For checing the saved and sent interafce files you are using Transaction FRE_UI.

In Transaction FRE_UI in Settings>Layout you observe that buttons for some layout management related fucntionalities are missin (greyed-out):



SAP Forecasting and Replenishment (for use with SAP merchandising software) all versions


FRE_UI,  layout management functionality, Forecasting and Replenishment, save and load layouts, settings, Layoutverwaltungsfunktion, Layouts sichern und laden, Einstellungen. , KBA , SCM-FRE-ERP , SAP F&R-SAP ERP Interfaces , SCM-FRE-IF , Interfaces , Bug Filed

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