The HRTT Service crashes when updating the SAP HANA Cockpit.
The hdblcm log indicates the following errors:
09:57:06.467 - INFO: Output line 67: Installation of archive file(s) '/<path>/SAP_HANA_COCKPIT16_10/XSAC_HRTT_20/' failed.
09:57:06.467 - INFO: Output line 68: To see installation logs execute 'xs display-installation-logs 20001 -scv'.
09:57:06.468 - INFO: Output line 69: ERR Error starting application "hrtt-service": Some instances have crashed. Check the logs of your application for more information.
09:57:06.468 - INFO: Output line 70: Unexpected error: A step of the process has failed. Retrying it may solve the issue.
09:57:06.468 - INFO: Output line 71: Installation of the component XSAC_HRTT ( 2.16.240102 failed during deployment.
09:57:06.468 - INFO: Output line 72: Deployment of the MTA 2.16.240102 failed. Check SAP release information note 2373065 and analyze the issue. In case you need help, contact SAP support using the SAP component HAN-WDE-DBX
09:57:06.468 - INFO: Output line 73: Unexpected error: Error starting application "hrtt-service": Some instances have crashed. Check the logs of your application for more information.
09:57:06.468 - INFO: Output line 74: Unexpected error: A step of the process has failed. Retrying it may solve the issue.
09:57:06.499 - INFO: Program terminated with exit code 1
09:57:06.499 - INFO: Switching back to root user.
09:57:06.499 - ERR : Update of SAP HANA tools for accessing catalog content, data preview, SQL console, etc. failed
13:14:23.342 - INFO: Output line 16: ERR Software component dependency is not fulfilled
13:14:23.342 - INFO: Output line 17: Following required software components are missing:
13:14:23.342 - INFO: Output line 18: XSAC_HRTT ( 2.16.240102
13:14:23.343 - INFO: Output line 19: WARN Following software components are existing in broken state: XSAC_HRTT ( 2.16.240102
13:14:23.344 - INFO: Output line 20: Cleanup starts...
13:14:23.542 - INFO: Output line 21: Cleanup finished successfully
13:14:23.543 - INFO: Output line 22:
13:14:23.543 - INFO: Output line 23: Installation failed in validation: Software component dependency is not fulfilled.
13:14:23.544 - INFO: Output line 24: ERR Software component dependency is not fulfilled
hrtt-service.log shows the following error messages.
3/20/24 9:24:13.713 AM [APP/1-0] LOG #2.0#2024 03 20 09:24:13:713#+01:00#INFO#/Application/Init##XSAC_HRTT###ltzjaaaaeszm##########ltzjaaaaeszm#PLAIN##location=/hana/shared/SID/xs/app_working/embedded_execagent/executionroot/8d012b11-38b3-44ab-82f4-66d2a87cddcd/app/main.js;functionType=legacy;function=info;message="Start loading CA Cert from process.env.XS_CACERT_PATH into https.globalAgent of Node.js..."#
3/20/24 9:24:13.739 AM [APP/1-0] ERR FetchError: request to https://<hostname>:51002/audit-log failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:51002
3/20/24 9:24:13.742 AM [APP/1-0] ERR at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/hana/shared/SID/xs/app_working/embedded_execagent/executionroot/8d012b11-38b3-44ab-82f4-66d2a87cddcd/app/node_modules/node-fetch/lib/index.js:1491:11)
3/20/24 9:24:13.742 AM [APP/1-0] ERR at ClientRequest.emit (node:events:517:28)
3/20/24 9:24:13.742 AM [APP/1-0] ERR at TLSSocket.socketErrorListener (node:_http_client:501:9)
3/20/24 9:24:13.742 AM [APP/1-0] ERR at TLSSocket.emit (node:events:517:28)
3/20/24 9:24:13.742 AM [APP/1-0] ERR at emitErrorNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:151:8)
3/20/24 9:24:13.742 AM [APP/1-0] ERR at emitErrorCloseNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:116:3)
3/20/24 9:24:13.742 AM [APP/1-0] ERR at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21) {
3/20/24 9:24:13.742 AM [APP/1-0] ERR type: 'system',
3/20/24 9:24:13.742 AM [APP/1-0] ERR errno: 'ECONNREFUSED',
3/20/24 9:24:13.742 AM [APP/1-0] ERR code: 'ECONNREFUSED'
3/20/24 9:24:13.742 AM [APP/1-0] ERR }
3/20/24 9:24:13.868 AM [API] ERR Crashed instance [state CRASHED, index 0] of droplet [id 1] of app 'hrtt-service' [Org 'HANACockpit', Space 'SAP'] at [<hostname>:40329, pid 14078] with failure reason: Process terminated with exit code 1
3/20/24 9:24:34.997 AM [API] ERR Number of running instances for app 'hrtt-service' [Org 'HANACockpit', Space 'SAP'] is 0 but should be 1. Trying to adapt number of running instances...
3/20/24 9:24:35.277 AM [API] OUT Starting instance [state STARTING, index 1] of droplet [id 1] of app 'hrtt-service' [Org 'HANACockpit', Space 'SAP'] at [<hostname>:40330].
3/20/24 9:24:40.111 AM [APP/1-1] SYS #2.0#2024 03 20 09:24:40:108#+01:00#WARNING#/LoggingLibrary##XSAC_HRTT##############PLAIN##Dynamic log level switching not available#
"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."
- SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
- SAP HANA Cockpit 2.0
HANA Cockpit, update, upgrade, hrtt-service, Some instances have crashed, XSAC_HRTT, audit-log, ECONNREFUSED, CRASHED , KBA , HAN-CPT-CPT2-ADM , SAP HANA Cockpit 2 (Administration Core) , Problem
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