An attempt to export an HDI container in HANA Cloud for a specific schema fails. The error message indicates an oversize table of 2GB.
"SQL Error: Could not export objects from schema "xxx" in the container "xxx" - Database error 2: general error: Remote export failed: filling result table "xxx#DI"."#EXPORT_TABLEyyy" failed with exception: In-memory LOB cannot exceed 2147483647 bytes. 2147483648 bytes were provided. - Exporting the container "xxx"... failed"
- SAP HANA Cloud 1.0 and higher
SAP HANA Cloud 1.0
HANA Cloud, HDI container, export failure, oversized table, 2GB limit, Amazon S3, Azure Storage, Alibaba Cloud, Google Cloud Storage, Converged Cloud Storage, Data Lake Files , KBA , HAN-CLS-HC , HANA Cloud Services HANA Cloud , How To
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