You are using SAP Forecasting and Replenishment solution. When working in the /FRE/PWB (Product Workbench), a query appears asking whether you want to display the open orders for the current lane only or for all lanes, with the option of saving this selection for the current session. You want to deactivate this query and display the open orders for all lanes by default.
/FRE/PWB, pop-up, display the open orders, Product Workbench, Display: Worklist for location products; apply choise for duration of Running session, current lane, all lanes Auswahl für Dauer der laufenden Sitzung anwenden, Produkt-Workbench, Arbeitsvorrat für Lokationsprodukt, Produkt Workbench anzeigen. , KBA , SCM-FRE-MD , Master data , SCM-FRE-OPM , Order Proposal Management , How To
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