- When attempting to upload a specific CSN file in Embedded Analytics, the file does not load successfully and the screen remains blank.
- Error messages are observed during the loading process of the CSN file:
{"error_code": "METADATAREPO_400_017", "message": "Model already exist in STANDARD CSN file, duplicate model not allowed in CUSTOM CSN file."}
{"error_code": "METADATAREPO_401_012", "message": "Metadata Content is not valid Json CSN."}
{"error_code": "METADATAREPO_404_001", "message": "Tenant Configuration not found for the Tenant."}
Embedded Analytics for SAP SuccessFactors Incentive Management
CSN file, Embedded Analytics, custom data model, file not loading, blank screen, @Common.Label value, conflict, standard data models, error, HAR trace. , KBA , CEC-SAL-EA , Embedded Analytics , Problem
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