- Create a calculation view with parameters
- Use this calculation view as Data Source in the flowgraph editor, but couldn't see parameters
- Collect HAR file for the editor and see the following error. (Refer to 3551532 How to collect HTTP Archive Format (HAR) file - SAP HANA Smart Data Integration)
"HttpCode": 555,
"Severity": "Error",
"Message": "Error in Request Processing: Processing Error: DB Access Error: dberror(Connection.prepareStatement): 258 - insufficient privilege: Detailed info for this error can be found with guid '***'"
} "
SAP HANA Smart Data Integration
SAP HANA smart data integration 2.0
guid, permission, calculation view, parameters, fix, editor, flowgraph , KBA , HAN-WDE-EIM , Flowgraph, RepTasks and other SDA Tools , Problem
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