The SAP HANA database crashes instead of posting an error when encountering a disk full event during indexserver operations. This behavior is observed in a setup utilizing Azure NetApp Files (ANF) with a file size limit of 16 TB. The crash stack confirms the issue arises while attempting to create a new datavolume stripe.
The corresponding error message observed in the logs is:
Cannot open file ""<root>/datavolume_0000_0000256000.dat" ((closed, mode= RW, access= rw-rw-r--, flags= ASYNC|DIRECT|MUST_NOT_EXIST|LOCK|LAZY_OPEN), factory= (root= "/hana/data/R05/mnt00001/hdb00003.00003/" (access= rw-rw-r--, flags= AUTOCREATE_PATH, usage= DATA, fs= nfs4, config= ...)), rc=28: No space left on device
SAP HANA DB Version 2.0
SAP HANA, Disk Full, Azure NetApp Files, Datavolume Striping, Indexserver Crash, Persistence Management, Fast Restart Option, System Replication, Snapshot Management , KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , Problem
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